Nemoura dubitans

To the occurrence of the stonefly Nemoura dubitans Morton, 1894 (Plecoptera, Nemouridae) in the Czech Republic

Abstract: One new site of a relatively rare species of Plecoptera – Nemoura dubitans Morton, 1894 from the Jeseníky Mts (North Moravia, Czech Republic) is given. It has been probably only particular site published from the territory of Moravia. In the Czech Republic this species seems to be relatively little known. Only one particular locality has been published from the territory of it (Ploučnice, Mimoň, North Bohemia – Křelinová 1962).

Keywords: Plecoptera, faunistics, taxonomy, Moravia, Czech Republic

The distribution of the Nemoura dubitans Morton, 1894 in Europe is following (according to Limnofauna Europaea by Illies 1978, see also Illies 1955): Balkan, Central Europe incl. the Carpathians Mts, North and East Europe, as well as in England. By the above given author this species is classed with the potamon fauna.

Material examined: Jeseníky Mts: a tributary of Hraběšický potok stream (below Krásné), 6068, altitude 415 m,1M, 27.4.2000. Note: The most accurate figure of the male abdomen (cerci) is that by Kis (1974, Fig. 76). Cerci of N. dubitans are not thornless (cf. Illies 1955, Aubert 1959, Raušer 1959).

No particular sites of Nemoura dubitans has been probably published from the territory of Moravia. In“ the Key to the ČSR fauna III “ Raušer (1959) mentions this species (as unabundant) from the Ostravice River (the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts), but no particular site is given.
Soldán et al. (1998) consider Nemoura dubitans as abundant all over the Czech Republic (see Table V in their paper). However, in the text (see p.119) they inform, that this species is very rare, found at only one (unnamed) site. Křelinová (1962) found this species at one locality in North Bohemia: Ploučnioce, Mimoň (5354), altitude 285m.(1 M,1 F ). In the Check-List of Czechoslovakia (Raušer 1977) Nemoura dubitans is given from the territories of Moravia and Slovakia. It seems, however, that any published particular site of Nemoura dubitans from Slovakia has not been known (Krno 1997).


Aubert J. (1959): Plecoptera, Insecta Helvetica. Fauna 1. Lausanne. 140pp.
Illies J.(1955): Steinfliegen oder Plecoptera. In: Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile. VEB G. Fischer Verlag, Jena. 150 pp.
– (1978): Plecoptera. In: Illies J. et al.: Limnofauna Europaea. 532 pp. (pp.264-273) G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
Kis B (1974): Plecoptera. Fauna Rep. Soc.Romania, Insecta , 8:1-273.
Krno I. (1997): Production and distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Slovakia. In: Landolt P., Sartori M., (Eds.): Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera: Biology-Ecology-Systematics. MTL Fribourg. 569 pp.( pp.199-204).
Křelinová E. (1962): K poznání českých pošvatek (Plecoptera). Studie o bionomii a zoogeografii bentické české zvířeny. (Kandidátská disertační práce). 265 pp. Entomologický ústav ČSAV Praha.
Raušer J. (1959): Řád Pošvatky – Plecoptera. In: Kratochvíl J.(Ed.): Klíč zvířeny ČSR III. 869pp. (pp.169-181).
Raušer J.(1977): Plecoptera. In: Dlabola J. (Ed.): Check List tschechoslowakische Insektenfauna. – Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 15, Suppl. 4: 27- 29.
Soldán T. Zahrádková S., Helešic J., Dušek L. and Landa V. (1998): Distributional and quantitative patterns of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the Czech Republic: A possibility of detection of long-term environmental changes of aquatic biotopes. – Folia Fac.sci .nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brunensis, Biol., 98: 1-305.


Ivan Tuša